
How long will it take to go from Chiang Mai to Pai on a scooter?

How long will it take to go from Chiang Mai to Pai on a scooter?
  1. How long does it take from Chiang Mai to Pai?
  2. How far is Pai from Chiang Mai?
  3. Can you do a day trip to Pai from Chiang Mai?
  4. How many curves Pai to Chiang Mai?

How long does it take from Chiang Mai to Pai?

It takes about 3 hours to reach Pai from Chiang Mai Arcade.

How far is Pai from Chiang Mai?

The Chiang Mai to Pai scooter route should take roughly 4 hrs but give yourself longer to enjoy it more and the distance from Chiang Mai to Pai is roughly 130 km.

Can you do a day trip to Pai from Chiang Mai?

Pai, Thailand is gaining popularity with backpackers exploring Northern Thailand. It's a small hippy town northwest of Chiang Mai towards the Burmese border on-the-beaten path. From Chiang Mai to Pai it takes three hours to drive through the windy hills and lush landscape.

How many curves Pai to Chiang Mai?

It takes three hours winding the 762 road curves by bus to get from Chiang Mai to Pai – a vibrant, quirky mountain valley in Northern Thailand that is close to the Myanmar border.

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